Acworth, Georgia Integrated Health, Diabetes Treatments
We at Georgia Integrated Health Center provide holistic care for addressing type 2 diabetes and conditions leading up to it. 
We treat you as an individual with specific needs using Functional Nutrition, lifestyle improvements, and customized care plans. Unfortunately recent studies show that, Americans suffering from type 2 diabetes are expected to rise a staggering 165% by 2050. 🙍You are not alone if you are experiencing blood sugar, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes conditions.🩸 You may have tried diet changes, several medications, changing your routine at home, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better! When presented with life-changing symptoms and expensive options, such as dialysis, neuropathies and continual use of multiple medications, it seems like you have few choices. 
We know the difficulty and challenges that type 2 diabetes can bring, affecting your quality of a normal life. Georgia Integrated Health Center has helped countless patients with type 2 diabetes take their first steps towards putting the condition into remission and in experiencing a better quality of life! 💪
Acworth, Georgia Integrated Health, Diabetes Treatments
We at Georgia Integrated Health Center provide comprehensive care for addressing type 2 diabetes and conditions leading up to it. 
We treat you as an individual with specific needs using Functional Nutrition, lifestyle improvements, and customized care plans. Unfortunately recent studies show that, Americans suffering from type 2 diabetes are expected to rise a staggering 165% by 2050. 🙍You are not alone if you are experiencing blood sugar, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes conditions.🩸 You may have tried diet changes, several medications, changing your routine at home, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better! When presented with life-changing symptoms and expensive options, such as dialysis, neuropathies and continual use of multiple medications, it seems like you have few choices. 
We know the difficulty and challenges that type 2 diabetes can bring, affecting your quality of a normal life. Georgia Integrated Health Center has helped countless patients with type 2 diabetes take their first steps towards putting the condition into remission and in experiencing a better quality of life! 💪
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that disrupts the body's ability to manage carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. There are three main types of diabetes. 💉🩸
Type 1 Diabetes
This form of diabetes is insulin-dependent and primarily diagnosed in childhood. It occurs when the cells responsible for insulin are destroyed in the pancreas; making it an autoimmune disease.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a problem in the way the body regulates and uses sugar as a fuel. Not taking care of this condition can lead to more severe health conditions. We specialize in supporting patients with this form (as well as "pre-diabetes").
Type 3 “Gestational” Diabetes
This condition develops during pregnancy, affecting 14% of pregnant women. While it usually resolves after childbirth, those diagnosed are 9.6 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes after age 40.
Our clinical team at Georgia Integrated Health Center understands the important need to have  guidance tailored just for your health and care. Don’t let Type 2 Diabetes dictate your life and health contact us today! Finding the root cause of your type 2 diabetes condition to gain long term results is what Georgia Integrated Health Center is known for and what we continually strive to be leading–edge for type 2 diabetes remission! 📋
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that disrupts the body's ability to manage carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. There are three main types of diabetes. 💉🩸
Type 1 Diabetes
This form of diabetes is insulin-dependent and primarily diagnosed in childhood. It occurs when the cells responsible for insulin are destroyed in the pancreas; making it an autoimmune disease.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a problem in the way the body regulates and uses sugar as a fuel. Not taking care of this condition can lead to more severe health conditions. We specialize in supporting patients with this form (as well as "pre-diabetes").
Type 3 “Gestational” Diabetes
This condition develops during pregnancy, affecting 14% of pregnant women. While it usually resolves after childbirth, those diagnosed are 9.6 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes after age 40.
Our clinical team at Georgia Integrated Health Center understands the important need to have  guidance tailored just for your health and care. Don’t let Type 2 Diabetes dictate your life and health contact us today! Finding the root cause of your type 2 diabetes condition to gain long term results is what Georgia Integrated Health Center is known for and what we continually strive to be leading–edge for type 2 diabetes remission! 📋
Regardless of the cause of your Type 2 condition, addressing it SOONER THAN LATER is the best way to improve your condition. Our team of experts is here to help you.
The first step is to understand what factors are responsible so we can design a program for you to improve those factors and handle the root of the problem.
Regardless of the cause of your Type 2 condition, addressing it SOONER THAN LATER is the best way to improve your condition. Our team of experts is here to help you. The first step is to understand what factors are responsible so we can design a program for you to improve those factors and handle the root of the problem.
Common Causes
of Type 2 Diabetes
There are many potential causes of type 2 diabetes. A proper diagnosis is crucial to ensuring you receive the most effective treatment for your condition.
Type 2 is often the result of:
A combination of factors, including an improper diet, exposure to environmental toxins, and lack of physical activity. These factors can lead to weight gain, obesity, and hormonal imbalances, negatively impacting your overall health and wellness.🙅
Our team of experts treats you—the whole person—in a holistic way. We don't just address the symptoms; we focus on uncovering and tackling the root causes, including lifestyle choices and potential toxin exposures. This approach empowers you to take control of your life and work towards lasting health improvements. 🙌
Autoimmune Disease
An immune system attack on insulin-producing cells in the pancreas causes type 1 diabetes.
Excess Weight
Being overweight or obese makes it hard for the body to control blood sugar, which leads the body to make more insulin to compensate. This becomes a vicious cycle between increased blood sugar and increased insulin.
High Blood Pressure
Can lead to insulin resistance which means it is hard for the body to use the insulin it is making to balance the blood sugar.
Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance means it is hard for the body to use the insulin it is making to balance the blood sugar. This can be due to a number of factors, including diet, hormonal imbalances, lack of exercise, obesity, and certain medications such as steroids.
Pancreatic Damage
Damage to the pancreas, pancreatic diseases or if the pancreas is removed, cause diabetes because it is the pancreas that produces insulin which balances blood sugar (primarily type 1 diabetes in this case).
Physical Inactivity
A lack of activity allows blood sugar levels to spike when consuming beverages and foods which in turn cause insulin to spike - this contributes to insulin resistance. Physical activity uses the sugar stored in the muscles and can help the body balance glucose and insulin. 
Due to increased hormones and possible hormonal imbalances, can lead to a diabetes condition which can resolve after pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes.
It was once more common for people 40 and above in the develop of type 2 diabetes. Now it is becoming more common to see develop of type 2 diabetes in people of younger ages, including children!
Family History
The way one is raised (diet, lack of exercise, poor lifestyle habits, etc.) and family history (genetics) can contribute to developing diabetes. The good news is that you can take control right now with our help to counter any predisposition! 
Let us discover the root causes of your condition so you can flourish in life!
Here is a quick quiz to see if you might be affected by prediabetes or diabetes:
You've been regularly tired.
You have uncontrollable carbohydrate cravings.
You need to eat more frequently.
You are frequently thirsty.
You have to urinate more often and particularly at night.
You have dry skin.
Your vision has gotten blurry.
You lose weight unexpectedly.
You feel tingling in your hands or feet.
Here is a quick quiz
to see if you might
be affected by prediabetes
or diabetes:
You've been regularly tired.
You have uncontrollable carbohydrate cravings.
You need to eat more frequently.
You are frequently thirsty.
You have to urinate more often and particularly at night.
You have dry skin.
Your vision has gotten blurry.
You lose weight unexpectedly.
You feel tingling in your hands or feet.
What Symptoms does
Diabetes Cause?
What Symptoms does
Diabetes Cause?
Urinating more frequently than usual, especially at night
Thirst 🥤
Feeling very thirsty
Weight loss 🤷
Unintentional weight loss
Vision 👁
Blurred vision
Fatigue 🙇
Feeling very tired
Yeast 🌪
Yeast infections in the genital area
Skin 🧏‍♀️
Dry skin
Numbness 🙅
Numb or tingling hands or feet
Itchiness 💥
Itchiness around the genital area
Urinating more frequently than usual, especially at night
Thirst 🥤
Feeling very thirsty
Weight loss 🤷
Unintentional weight loss
Vision 👁
Blurred vision
Fatigue 🙇
Feeling very tired
Yeast 🌪
Yeast infections in the genital area
Skin 🧏‍♀️
Dry skin
Numbness 🙅
Numb or tingling hands or feet
Itchiness 💥
Itchiness around the genital area
What are the Treatment
Options for Type 2 Diabetes?
Georgia Integrated Health Center offers several different types of treatment to patients with pre–diabetes or type 2 diabetes conditions.🍃 Each of these treatments serves a different purpose. Some of the treatments that may be recommended for patients include:
Detoxification + Nutrition
If environmental toxins are detected as part of the root cause, a detoxification protocol based on that toxin will be implemented. Following our analysis of your body chemistry, we provide guidance in nutrition and diet choices to improve your health from the inside out. When you know how your body is supposed to work it is easier to make better choices to fuel your body.
Physical activity
Ensuring you are taking care to move and improve your body’s own functions to repair the damage. We don't employ any strenuous or exhausting exercise, simply getting the body moving.
Wellness therapies
After assessing your condition, handling any initial toxins or lab findings, we have our own proven, proprietary natural therapies therapies targeted to help on the path for type 2 remission. Each of these is extremely specific to your individual needs.
Imagine freeing yourself from the roller coaster of type 2 symptoms, endless medications, as well as the complications and side effects they cause. Our office is simply a phone call away. Instead of worrying, or hoping instead take action only you can do it. Don’t waste another day!
Georgia Integrated Health Center offers several different types of treatment to patients with diabetes conditions.🍃 Each of these treatments serves a different purpose. Some of the treatments that may be recommended for patients with diabetes include:
Detoxification + Nutrition
If environmental toxins are detected as part of the root cause, a detoxification protocol based on that toxin will be implemented. Following our analysis of your body chemistry, we provide guidance in nutrition and diet choices to improve your health from the inside out. When you know how your body is supposed to work it is easier to make better choices to fuel your body.
Physical activity
Ensuring you are taking care to move and improve your body’s own functions to repair the damage. We don't employ any strenuous or exhausting exercise, simply getting the body moving.
Wellness therapies
After assessing your condition, handling any initial toxins or lab findings, we have our own proven, proprietary natural therapies therapies targeted to help on the path for type 2 remission. Each of these is extremely specific to your individual needs.
Imagine freeing yourself from the roller coaster of type 2 symptoms, endless medications, as well as the complications and side effects they cause. Our office is simply a phone call away. Instead of worrying, or hoping instead take action only you can do it. Don’t waste another day!
What is the most common reason for type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes most often results from a combination of external factors, including an improper diet, exposure to environmental toxins, and lack of physical activity. These factors can lead to weight gain, obesity, and hormonal imbalances, negatively impacting your overall health and wellness.
How do I know if my type 2 diabetes is serious?
Unfortunately, ALL stages of type 2 diabetes are serious. The longer you have the condition, the more your body succombs and stops doing the work. Regardless of what stage you are in, if unhandled, it will progress and become worse. Our mission is to stop this progression, put type 2 into remission and normalize your blood sugars so you can lead a normal, healthy life!
Don’t Let Type 2 Diabetes Hold You Back!
Take control of your health starting today! Reach out to Georgia Integrated Health Center to discover our holistic treatment options. Don’t put it off any longer contact us now to find out how we can support your journey towards REMISSION!